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Nettle: Your ally to fight seasonal allergies!

Written by Stéfanie Crevier

Are you one of those people who, rather than associating Spring with the beauty of nature coming back to life, associates it with the darned period of seasonal allergies? 
Do your stuffy nose, stinging eyes and constant sneezing prevent you from enjoying the little buds peaking out on the trees, flowers slowly showing their colours, grass turning from yellow to green and “V” flocks of geese returning from the South? Well, if that's your case, I have something for you: nettle. Nettle?! This "weed" that can be found everywhere and make our legs itch? Yes that one. Did you know that nettle has been used since antiquity and, although despised by many today, it contains nutritional and curative benefits that make it an excellent food supplement? In fact, it can be used in your kitchen and in your medicine cabinet! In cooking, it can be eaten like spinach (soup, herbal tea, purées); it must be cooked first to remove formic acid though. Rich in vitamins, minerals, trace elements, chlorophyll, enzymes, it’s also an excellent antioxidant!
But above all, my dear friends suffering from seasonal allergies, I would like to draw your attention to the liquid version of nettle. I discovered a supplement from Land Art Canada: liquid nettle. In addition to reducing rheumatic pain (good!), liquid nettle will help you especially with your seasonal allergies by considerably reducing naturally your symptoms. Two teaspoons (2 x 5 ml) per day and you will feel a definite improvement in your pitiful condition.... Ideally, it is even better to start a little before allergy season, but it is not too late, since allergy season extends over several months (May to September, even October).
I highly recommend it to you! Drop the chemical tablets for relief, and turn to an all-natural solution. With Land Art's liquid nettle, you will feel much better and Spring will no longer be associated with seasonal allergies, but rather with all the beauties Spring brings!
Take care!
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