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Zinc: An Essential Element for Life

By Nicolas Martineau, B.Sc.

Zinc is often unknow by most people. While many are familiar with the importance of iron, calcium, and magnesium for health, very few understand the crucial roles of zinc in their well-being.


Zinc in Biology

Zinc plays a crucial role in biology for both plants and animals, including humans. It serves as a cofactor for numerous enzymes and proteins, participating in a wide range of biological processes. In humans, zinc is essential for growth, cell division, the immune system, and wound healing.

Health Benefits of Zinc

Zinc is renowned for its numerous health benefits. It is crucial for the proper functioning of the immune system, aiding the body in fighting infections and diseases. Additionally, zinc contributes to DNA synthesis, promoting cell growth and tissue repair.

Studies also suggest that zinc may play a role in maintaining healthy skin, regulating hormonal function, and even preventing certain chronic diseases.

Prevalence of Zinc Deficiency

Despite its importance, zinc deficiency is a reality for many people worldwide. Populations most at risk include those with a zinc-deficient diet, pregnant and breastfeeding women, and individuals with certain chronic illnesses.

Symptoms of Zinc Deficiency

Symptoms of zinc deficiency may include:

Delayed growth and development in children.

Reduced immunity, leading to a greater susceptibility to infections.

Skin problems, such as rashes and lesions.

Gastrointestinal issues, including diarrhea.

Hair loss.

Changes in taste and smell.

Night vision disturbances.

It's important to note that these symptoms can vary based on the severity of zinc deficiency.

Recommended Daily Amounts

Recommended daily amounts of zinc can vary based on age, gender, pregnancy, breastfeeding, and certain health conditions. Values are generally expressed in milligrams (mg) per day. Here are general recommendations:


1 to 3 years: 3mg/day

4 to 8 years: 5mg/day


9 to 13 years: 8mg/day

14 to 18 years: 9 to 11mg/day


Women: 8mg/day

Men: 11mg/day

Pregnant Women: 11 to 12mg/day

Breastfeeding Women: 12 to 13mg/day

It's important to note that these values are general recommendations, and individual needs may vary. Consulting a healthcare professional for personalized nutritional advice is always advisable.

Best Forms of Zinc Supplements

When taking a zinc supplement, choosing the most appropriate form is essential. Common forms include zinc sulfate, zinc gluconate, zinc picolinate, and zinc acetate. Each of these forms has different bioavailability, affecting how the body absorbs zinc. As an example, Zinc sulfate is water soluble and in water Zinc ions are rapidly absorb by the body. In general, if zinc is in liquid form and, even better, in ionic form, it will be easily absorbed and utilized.

Recommended Daily Amount of Zinc Supplement

The recommended daily amount of zinc supplement can vary based on individual needs. Generally, experts recommend not exceeding a daily dose of 40mg to avoid undesirable side effects. The optimal dose depends on several factors, including age, gender, health status, and the presence of underlying medical conditions. A healthcare professional can assess individual needs and recommend an appropriate dose based on specific circumstances. Nevertheless, a zinc supplement made in Canada will have the generally recommended dosage on its label to cover your needs.

Factors Reducing Zinc Absorption

Several factors can reduce zinc absorption in the body. Diets rich in phytates, found in some whole grains and vegetables, as well as excessive fiber intake, can impair zinc absorption. Additionally, certain medical conditions, such as celiac disease and Crohn's disease, can negatively affect the body's ability to absorb zinc.

Land Art's Certified Organic ZinC

New to the market and manufactured in Quebec, Land Art's ZinC is not only certified organic but also easy to dose with its graduated dropper. Combined with vitamin C, Land Art's new organic ZinC is perfect for effectively boosting the immune system. With suitable doses for children (from 1 year old), teenagers, and adults, Land Art's ZinC is the ideal choice for the whole family! The product offers up to 115 doses at a very competitive price.

In conclusion, while recognizing the health benefits of zinc, it is crucial to adopt a balanced approach to supplementation. Consulting a healthcare professional allows for the assessment of individual needs, identification of the best supplement forms, and determination of appropriate quantities to ensure safe and effective zinc supplementation.






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